Privacy policy & General terms and conditions


The following definitions apply in these terms and conditions:

1.1 Client: any natural or legal person with whom REVYNU has concluded an agreement.

1.2 REVYNU: Contractor, REVYNU B.V., registered in the trade register of the Dutch chamber of commerce “Kamer van Koophandel”. 

1.3 Parties: Client and Contractor together.

1.4 Assignment or Agreement: the assignment agreement, whereby the Contractor undertakes to perform work for the Client.

1.5 Assignment Confirmation: Confirmation of the Assignment Agreement, with attachment of these general terms and conditions, which shows the intention of the Parties. The Assignment Confirmation is deemed to accurately and completely reflect the Agreement.


2.1 In the broadest sense of the word, these general terms and conditions apply to all (written, oral and visual) agreements, that REVYNU has offered to and/or concluded with the Client. 

2.2 These general terms and conditions apply to all services, in the broadest sense of the word, offered- and/or delivered by REVYNU to the Client. Possible deviations can be in the Assignment Confirmation.

2.3 Any terms and conditions (other than these general terms and conditions) that parties may agree upon, apply to the specific assignment for which they have been agreed.

2.4 The Client accepts that these general terms and conditions supersede any conflicting general terms and conditions used by the Client, unless the Parties have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing and in advance. 


3.1 All quotations issued by REVYNU to the Client are are valid only for the written period of acceptance and can only lead to obligations when both parties sign within the written acceptance period. REVYNU can withdraw a quotation within five working days after it has reached the Client.

3.2 The Agreement replaces – and substitutes – all earlier, oral or written, quotations, proposals, correspondence, agreements or other communication.

3.3 Only upon receival by Revynu of the Assignment confirmation, signed by both parties, the Agreement is formed by these general terms and conditions together with the Assignment Confirmation. The Assignment Confirmation is deemed to accurately and completely reflect the Agreement and is based on information exchanged between parties beforehand.

3.4 If the Assignment Confirmation has not yet been signed, the Assignment will be deemed to have been concluded under the applicability of these general terms and conditions at the time that REVYNU initiates the execution of the Assignment at the request of the Client.

3.5 The Agreement is entered into for an indefinite period, unless otherwise stated in the Assignment confirmation. Revysoft software subscription is automatically renewed every six months, for six months, unless otherwise stated. Cancellation term is three calendar months prior to the end of a running subscription period. 

Revynu engagement services are prolonged automatically, upon ending of the initial period, with two months unless stated otherwise. Cancellation term is one calendar month prior to the end of a running engagement period. 

3.6 If the Client, after an Agreement has been concluded, cancels the Assignment in whole or in part, REVYNU is entitled to charge the Client for all fees stated in the Assignment confirmation unless otherwise agreed between parties in writing. After payment of these costs by the Client, REVYNU will hand over what has been developed or collected within this Assignment during the period prior to the cancellation to the Client. All, in accordance with other provisions of these terms and conditions.


4.1 The Client will always and timely provide REVYNU with all stated necessary data, information, documentation, facilities, materials, software (from third parties) and other supplies (hereinafter: supplies), which REVYNU requires for the correct and timely execution of the granted Assignment. 

4.2 The Client guarantees to REVYNU that the Client is entitled and able to provide REVYNU with the stated supplies. The Client is responsible for the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the supplies made available to REVYNU, even if these originate from third parties. 

4.3 The Client guarantees that no rights of third parties oppose making available to REVYNU equipment, software, image material, text, brands, data files or any other material or idea belonging to the Client and made available in the context of the execution of the Assignment. The Client indemnifies REVYNU against any action based on the claim that such provision, use, processing, installation or incorporation infringes any right of third parties. Client indemnifies REVYNU against all potential claims in this regard.

4.4 The Client must ensure that REVYNU is immediately supplied with any information that may be important for the correct execution of the Assignment.

4.5 Unless the nature of the Assignment dictates otherwise, the Client will deploy- or have deployed the staff or other resources deemed necessary by REVYNU for REVYNU to properly carry out the Assignment work within the agreed timelines. If specific personnel are required, this will be agreed and documented in the Assignment Confirmation or in other written communication. The Client must ensure that the Client’s staff have the right skills and experience to be able to perform the aforementioned work and allocate due time and effort.

4.6 If the supplies and cooperation described in Articles 4.1 through 4.5 have not been timely, fully, and correctly delivered and/or made available to REVYNU, or if the Client does not otherwise fulfil its obligations, REVYNU is entitled to suspend the execution of the Agreement without being obliged to pay any damage compensation to the Client nor pay back any fees paid to REVYNU under the agreement for the timeframe at hand. Any capacity, such as resources, reserved by REVYNU for the client as part of the agreement, unused due to these delays will be charged as agreed within the agreement. In addition, REVYNU can charge any resulting costs or additional work to be performed in accordance with its usual fee.

4.7 During the Agreement and two years after the termination of the Agreement, the Parties are not permitted to hire employees of the other party or to offer paid work, whether directly or indirectly, including the holding companies and associated companies, unless the other party has given prior, explicit, and written permission for this. If one of the Parties deviates from the foregoing, €25.000 hiring- and training costs will be charged to the other party. In addition, the Client is expressly forbidden, directly or indirectly, engage with employees of REVYNU in a context that can be dubbed “recruiting” for at least six months after termination of any contractual obligations between the Client and REVYNU, unless agreed upon in writing between Parties.

4.8 Specifically regarding data, the Client is responsible for the correctness of any files and the contact lists therein supplied by Client. Such as, but not limited to, files that contain desired participants to benchmark researches, contact details of desired participants, lists of companies and/or roles to be targeted for participation in benchmark research.. Client is responsible for any damages and delays occurred due to the incorrectness of these lists.


5.1 REVYNU executes all work to the best of its knowledge and ability in accordance with the requirements of the law for a good contractor.

5.2 With regard to the (intended) work, there is an obligation of best efforts on the part of REVYNU, any other agreements need to be explicitly stated in writing in the Agreement. REVYNU is not liable for any results related to the work performed.

5.3 REVYNU decides the way the Assignment is carried out, where possible taking into account the Client’s specific wishes.

5.4 Should the Client in any way aim to involve third parties in the execution of the Assignment, Parties need agree to in writing beforehand. 

5.5 In the case of any form of written agreement regarding results of the work delivered by REVYNU, these will be nullified in case of events described in article 4.6 and/or any exceeding of payment terms by the Client.  

5.6 Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Agreement, REVYNU can use the name of and/or refer to the Client during the execution of the work, in situations where this is expected to a positive effect on the outcome of REVYNU’s execution of work. For example, when REVYNU approaches, on behalf of the Client, targeted respondents for benchmark researches executed within the agreement. 


6.1 If the Client has a request to change the specifications of the work to be performed by REVYNU, parties shall agree in writing and pricing will be based on usual rates unless agreed otherwise.

6.2 Any discretionary work outside the content or scope of the agreed work, performed by REVYNU at the request of the Client, will be paid by the Client according to the usual rates of REVYNU unless agreed otherwise in writing. REVYNU is not obliged to comply with such a request.

6.2 The circumstance that requires (the request for) additional work shall never be grounds for the Client to terminate or dissolve the Agreement.


7.1 REVYNU is obliged to maintain confidentiality internally and externally regarding confidential information obtained from the Client. Only exceptions can be if any legal provisions, regulations or any other rule requires REVYNU to be open about matters, and/or if the Client chooses, whilst abiding to legal rules, to grant an exemption in this regard.

7.2 Client is obliged to maintain confidentiality internally and externally regarding confidential information obtained from the REVYNU. Only exceptions can be if any legal provisions, regulations or any other rule requires Client to be open about matters, and/or if REVYNU chooses, whilst abiding to legal rules, to grant an exemption in this regard.
7.3 For promotional purposes REVYNU is entitled to mention the work performed, in general terms, if such is not in conflict with Article 7.


8.1 REVYNU reserves all current and future intellectual- and industrial property rights regarding products it uses or has used and/or develops or has developed in the context of the performance of the Assignment.

8.2 It is expressly forbidden for the Client to duplicate, disclose or exploit those products, including working methods, software, advice, and other (mental) products of REVYNU, all in the broadest sense of the word, whether or not with the involvement of third parties. Including, but not limited to, REVYNU’s benchmarking survey creation, benchmarking research reporting and REVYNU benchmarking software. 

8.3 Any additional agreement regarding the transfer of, or the licensing of intellectual or industrial property, can only entered into explicitly and in signed writing. Any such additional agreement will not affect REVYNU’s authority in relation to the developmental components, general principles, software, designs, documentation, works and other ideas in the broadest sense of the word, without any limitation, to apply and exploit them for other purposes, either for itself or for third parties, unless the additional agreement explicitly states otherwise. Nor does a transfer or licensing of any intellectual or industrial property right affect the right of REVYNU to undertake developments for itself or third parties that are similar to those that have been- or are being done for the Client.


9.1 The fee includes the work by REVYNU as described in the Agreement and is excluding any other expenses,  excluding VAT, excluding administration costs and excluding other levies imposed by the government and are excluding any reimbursements for invoices from (any) third parties paid by REVYNU on behalf of the Client, unless otherwise specified in the Agreement.

9.2 During the execution of the Assignment, if rate-determining factors such as wages and/or prices undergo a change, REVYNU is entitled at all times to adjust the previously agreed rate accordingly, communicated via a written notice to the Client. These new prices and rates will apply to all running agreements at that point. 


10.1 REVYNU will invoice the agreed rate/fee plus all other costs in advance. Any additional charged sums, such as but not limited to fees for additional work, incurred travel costs or due to a change in rates, will be invoiced separately.

10.2 Payment by the Client must be made within 14 days of the invoice date without deduction, discount or settlement of debts, unless stated otherwise in the Agreement.

10.3 If payment by the Client is not done within the payment term, the statutory interest for commercial transactions will be charged and added to the invoice after the 1st reminder, from the day of the overrun, all this without a further notice of default or judicial intervention being required.

10.4 Should the client longer refrain from payment, REVYNU has the right to hand over the claim for collection and the Client will be required to pay all the extra costs related to the collection in addition to the then-due amount and the statutory interest. This without any limiting impact on all other rights of REVYNU.

10.5 REVYNU is entitled to suspend its obliged work and reserves the right to withhold any results of work done so far and suspend any agreements regarding article 8 under the Agreement and any other current Agreements, if the Client exceeds a payment term until full payment has been made. This will have no limiting effect on REVYNU’s right to damage compensation and without being obliged to compensate the Client for any damages.

10.6 Should REVYNU have to start legal proceedings in relation to the lack of payment, all instalments within the Agreement and not yet invoiced, can be made immediately due and payable as part of these legal proceedings.

10.7 In case of exceeding the payment term for an advance payment, the same terms as described in article 4.6 are valid and all incurred additional costs are for Client. 


11.1 The execution of the planning will start only when upfront payment is done and article 4 requirements are met by Client

11.2 The delivery times stated by REVYNU are determined on the basis of the information known to REVYNU at the time of entering into the Agreement and will be observed as much as possible. Parties will inform each other as soon as possible once it becomes apparent that there is any circumstance that may influence the (timely) execution of the work and/or delivery times. 

11.3 If REVYNU makes certain changes and/or additions to the specifications of the work to be performed by REVYNU at the request of the Client, REVYNU may adjust planning and postpone the delivery date of the work after consultation with the Client insofar as this is necessary for implementation of the relevant changes or additions.

11.4 Because the duration of the Assignment may be influenced by all kinds of factors, such as but not limited to the ones described in article 4 and 7, the agreed upon deadlines for REVYNU are envisioned deadlines and not hard deadlines. The mere fact that a delivery period is exceeded does not put REVYNU in default and does not entitle the Client to dissolve the Agreement or make any other claim, financial or otherwise, except in the case of intention or gross negligence on the part of REVYNU or unless it is established that compliance with the Agreement is permanently impossible. In the event of a deadline being exceeded, the Parties will consult as soon as possible to determine a new delivery period.


12.1 REVYNU can terminate an agreement with Client If, despite written demand by REVYNU, the Client fails to comply with any substantial obligation arising from the agreement and/or these terms and conditions. This can be done with immediate effect and without further notice of default or judicial intervention. Doing so will not lead to any obligation to compensate the Client for any damage occurred due to this and without prejudice to REVYNU’s right to exercise its other legal rights, such as the right to damage compensation, or right to payment for goods already delivered, work performed and/or services provided. Nor will it lead to any form of reimbursement for fees already paid.

12.2 In the case the Client requests (provisional) suspension of payment or its (provisional) suspension of payment is granted, the Client applies for bankruptcy or is declared bankrupt, the Client ceases its business, a substantial part of the Client’s assets are seized, the Client’s legal person is dissolved or the control over the deciding vote within the legal person of the Client comes to be vested in a third party, REVYNU is also entitled to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect, without any notice of default or judicial intervention being required, and without being obliged to compensate the Client for any damage nor refund any of paid fees, and without prejudice to REVYNU’s right to payment for goods already delivered, work performed and/or services provided.

12.3 If the Client has proceeded to (interim) dissolution, REVYNU is entitled to payment- or retaining of the fee in the Agreement and/or to compensation for the staffing loss incurred, as well as for additional costs that it must reasonably incur as a result of the early termination of the Agreement, unless there are facts and circumstances underlying the cancellation that can be attributed to REVYNU. If REVYNU has proceeded to (interim) dissolution, the Client is entitled to the cooperation of REVYNU in the transfer of work to third parties, unless there are facts and circumstances underlying that cancellation that can be attributed to the Client. In all cases of (interim) dissolution, REVYNU retains the right to payment of the invoices for work it has performed up to that point, whereby the provisional results of the work performed up to that time will be made available to the Client. Insofar as the transfer of the work entails extra costs for REVYNU, these will be charged to the Client.
12.4 Both parties shall immediately hand over to each other anything, such as goods, items and documents, owned by the other party, upon termination of the Agreement. 


13.1 The Client is not permitted to transfer (any obligation from/under) the Agreement to third parties, unless REVYNU explicitly agrees to this in writing. REVYNU is entitled to attach conditions to such permission. 

13.2 Unless stated otherwise, the Client remains jointly and separately liable for the obligations under the Agreement and the general terms and conditions, even if the agreement is transferred to third parties

13.2 The Client indemnifies REVYNU against all claims that may arise as a result of a non-compliance, late or incorrect fulfilment of any obligation arising from the Agreement or these general terms and conditions.


14.1 REVYNU reserves the ownership of the delivered goods in respect of all claims it has or may have obtained against the Client pursuant to (failure to fulfil an obligation under) the agreement.

14.2 The Client is not entitled to encumber and/or transfer the items on which REVYNU’s retention of title rests.


15.1 REVYNU can outsource the delivery of certain goods, services and/or activities in whole or in part to one or more third parties. 

15.2 REVYNU may act at the Client’s request as its legal representative towards selected third parties. Any Agreements, to be concluded on behalf of the Client by REVYNU, are to be seen as concluded directly between the Client and this third party or parties. The delivery terms and conditions of those third parties. Client indemnifies REVYNU for any damages in this regard. 


16.1 In the event of force majeure, this party will inform the other party in writing, stating the cause, the nature, the expected duration of the force majeure and the provisions of the Agreement that cannot be met as a result. The implementation of the relevant elements of the Agreement will be suspended during force majeure. 

16.2 As Force Majeure are considered a shortcoming that cannot be attributed to one of the Parties and is not due to that party’s fault and is also not on that party’s account due to the law, legal acts or social intercourse.

16.3 If the force majeure situation has persisted until two months after the date of the aforementioned notification, the Parties shall endeavour to reach an agreement on changes to the provision(s) of the Agreement that have been suspended due to force majeure. In the absence of such agreement, either of the Parties may terminate this Agreement without being obliged to pay any damage compensation to the other party or reclaim fees already paid. However, REVYNU retains the right to payment for goods, work and/or services already provided.


17.1 In the context of the conclusion or execution of the Agreement, REVYNU is not liable for any damage on the part of the Client, except for intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of REVYNU.

17.2 The claim for compensation and the amount to be compensated, in the event that REVYNU is deemed to be liable for damage, will have a maximum per event (in which a series of related events count as one event) which is the fee charged under the Agreement by REVYNU, for the work and/or services delivered directly attributable to the stated event. If the Agreement has a duration of more than 12 calendar months, the size of the compensation will never be based on more than the total Fee for twelve months prior to the occurrence of the damaging event and never be more than the fee for those twelve months. 

17.3 The form of compensation shall be decided at the discretion of REVYNU; it can be delivered in kind, by means of repair or new delivery, or reimbursement in cash.

17.4 Shortcomings of third parties on which REVYNU depends or with which REVYNU cooperates cannot be attributed to REVYNU.

17.5 REVYNU is not liable for any damage suffered by the Client that is the result of an incorrect installation/implementation or use by the Client of the provided Service(s).

17.6 Advice (if any) provided by REVYNU will be given in accordance with best knowledge of the facts. The Client is responsible for what is done with the advice. Revynu is not liable for any damages or claims related to any advice provided. 

17.7 REVYNU accepts no liabilit  and is not liable whatsoever for the total or partial loss of content and/or data.

17.8 Client must submit a claim for damage compensation to REVYNU in writing and with reasons, within 14 days of the discovery of the damage. Failing to do so will annul the right to claim damage compensation for this incident. 


Any (claim) rights and all other authorities of the Client, on whatever grounds, expire against REVYNU in any case after one year has elapsed from the moment that a circumstance occurs on which the Client could have relied for the exercise of these rights and/or authorities against REVYNU.


Failure to directly enforce any right or authority by REVYNU will not affect or limit the rights, defences and authorities of REVYNU under this Agreement. Waiver of any right by REVYNU can only be done explicitly in writing.


The terms and conditions included in the Assignment Confirmation shall prevail should these general terms and conditions and the Assignment Confirmation contain mutually conflicting terms and conditions.


In case any provision of the agreement cannot be invoked, parties will interpret, as much similarly as possible and in such a way that it can be invoked, the meaning of the provision’s content and scope and handle the situation accordingly. The remaining provisions of the Agreement remain in force and applicable in this case.


The relevant provisions within the Agreement will remain in force and continue to bind both parties. Relevant provisions being those provisions for which it is explicitly or tacitly intended that they remain in force even after termination of the Agreement.


23.1 Excluded from this- and all agreements between parties is the applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention 1980.

23.2 All Agreements between Parties are governed by Dutch law.
23.3 Unless the Parties expressly agree otherwise in writing, all (possible) disputes between parties will be submitted to the competent court in the district of The Hague.

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Revynu BV provides a survey platform through a Software as a Service (SaaS) model. At Revynu BV the privacy and security of our customers, respondents and visitors are of paramount importance. Revynu BV is committed to protecting the data you share with us. This privacy policy explains how Revynu BV processes information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual (“Personal Data”) collected through use of its website and platform.

For the purposes of this policy, Revynu BV defines the term “User” as an entity with which Revynu BV has an established relationship, the term “Respondent” as any individual who responds to surveys powered by Revynu BV or who is included as a contact in a User’s account and the term “Visitor” as an individual that visits our front-end website (for example www.Revynu

Any information stored on Revynu BV’s platform is treated as confidential. All information is stored securely and is accessed by authorized personnel only. Revynu BV implements and maintains appropriate technical, security and organisational measures to protect Personal Data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and use, and against accidental loss, destruction, damage, theft or disclosure.

2. Collection and use
2.1 .General

The following sections cover the specifics of each of the two groups from which data is collected: Respondents and Users.

2.2.1 Purpose of processing personal data
Revynu BV uses the collected data to communicate with Visitors, to customize content for Visitors, to show ads on other websites to Visitors, and to improve its website by analyzing how Visitors navigate its website.

2.2 Respondents
Respondents should be aware that in responding to surveys or survey invitations, they could be disclosing information that could make them personally identifiable to Revynu BV Users. The security and privacy protection implemented on Revynu BV’s platform does not cover this type of transfer or disclosure of personal information. Respondents responding to surveys or survey invitations should be aware that they alone are responsible for the content of their responses. For more detailed information concerning the protection of privacy when responding to surveys or survey invitations, Respondents may contact the entity conducting the survey. It is the User’s responsibility to ensure that collection and processing of data is done in accordance with applicable law. Revynu BV will not process Personal Data of Respondents for other purposes or by other means than instructed by its Users.

2.2.1. Inquires
If you wish to inquire about your Personal Data that may have been collected in a Revynu BV survey, we recommend that you contact the entity that created or sent you the survey. As Revynu BV is a Processor, it does not control the Personal Data used or stored in the survey, but processes it on behalf of its User.

2.3 Users

2.3.1. General
In order to provide services to its Users, Revynu BV collects certain types of data from them. Furthermore, Revynu BV’s Users collect information from Respondents when they produce and distribute surveys. This section will describe how these two types of data are collected and used by Revynu BV as well as geographical differences that effect this policy. Data entered or transferred into Revynu BV by Users such as texts, questions, contacts, media files, etc., remains the property of the User and may not be shared with a third party by Revynu BV without express consent from the User.

2.3.2 Collection of User data
During a User’s registration and later on Revynu BV’s platform, they provide information such as name, company name, email, address, telephone, credit-card number and other relevant data. This information is used by Revynu BV to identify the User and provide them with support, services, mailings, sales and marketing actions, billing and to meet contractual obligations.

Revynu BV Users can at any time access and edit, update or delete their contact details by logging in with their username and password to Revynu BV’s platform. Revynu BV Users may create more Users with different privilege levels within their account. It is the responsibility of the User that creates other User accounts, to choose the level of access each User should have. Once these new Users log into Revynu BV, they meet the definition of User in this policy. Revynu BV will not retain User data longer than is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required by applicable laws or regulations.

2.3.3 Collection of Respondent data
Surveys used for gathering feedback are created by Users, who make them available to relevant businesses, organizations, and individuals. It is the User’s responsibility to ensure that collection and processing of data is done in accordance with applicable law. Revynu BV will not process Personal Data for other purposes or by other means than instructed by its Users.

Respondent data includes data from individuals uploaded, transferred or manually entered by a Revynu BV User into their account for the purpose of providing feedback to the User by responding to surveys. Personal Data may include, personal contact information such as name, home address, home telephone or mobile number, email address, information concerning family, lifestyle and social circumstances including age, date of birth, marital status, number of children, employment details, education/qualification, business contact details, gender, religion, race, health detail and other sensitive Personal Data. Answers to questions by Respondents, may also include Personal Data.

The purpose of collecting Personal Data as part of a survey will vary depending on the survey, as set up by Revynu BV’s Users. As Revynu BV provides surveys to a wide group of customers and businesses, the purpose may vary greatly. For Users in the EEA, or for Users providing surveys to Respondents in the EEA, the User will be the “controller”, as defined in the Directive and the GDPR. The purpose will consequently be defined by Revynu BV’s User.

If you or your organization are required under the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to enter into a contract, or other binding legal act under EU or Member State law, with your data processors, review and accept Revynu BV’s Data Processing Agreement in your Revynu BV account.

2.3.4. Geographical location
Revynu BV offers a number of data regions. A Revynu BV “Data Region” is a set of data centers located within a defined geographical area where User and Respondent data is stored. Personal Data is not transmitted between Data Regions. For Revynu BV Users with accounts located in Revynu BV’s European Data Region, all Personal Data is processed in the EEA. For Users with accounts in the Data Regions: United States of America (US) and Canada, all Personal Data is processed solely in the respective country. For Users with accounts in our Asia Pacific Data Region, all Personal Data is processed in Singapore. Processing in the European Economic Area (EEA)
For Users with accounts located in Revynu BV’s European Data Region, all processing of Personal Data is performed in accordance with privacy rights and regulations following the EU Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 (the Directive), and the implementations of the Directive in local legislation. From May 25th, 2018, the Directive and local legislation based on the Directive will be replaced by the Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and Revynu BV’s processing will take place in accordance with the GDPR. Controller
Revynu BV processes Personal Data both as a Processor and as a Controller, as defined in the Directive and the GDPR:

The Revynu BV entity which you as a User entered an agreement with when using Revynu BV’s platform, will be the Controller for User data, as outlined above in “Collection of User data” section.
For Respondent data, as outlined in the “Collection of Respondent data” section, the User will be the Controller in accordance with Directive and GDPR, and Revynu BV will be the Processor.
Revynu BV adheres to the Directive of 1995 and the GDPR from May 25th, 2018. Consequently, Revynu BV processes all data provided by its Users with accounts in its European Data Region, in the European Economic Area (EEA) only.

All data collected by Revynu BV Users through surveys will be stored exclusively in secure hosting facilities provided by Amazon Web Services. Revynu BV has a data processing agreement in place with its provider, ensuring compliance with the Directive. All hosting is performed in accordance with the highest security regulations. All transfers of data internally in the EEA is done in accordance with this data processing agreement. Processing in the United States Of America (US)
For Users with accounts in the Revynu BV US Data Region, Revynu BV processes data solely in data centers located in the US. Revynu BV has adopted reasonable physical, technical and organizational safeguards which substantially mirror the EU safeguards against accidental, unauthorized or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, access, use or processing of the User’s data in Revynu BV’s possession. Revynu BV will promptly notify the User in the event of any known unauthorized access to, or use of, the User’s data.

All data collected by Revynu BV Users through surveys will be stored exclusively in secure hosting facilities provided by Amazon Web Services. Revynu BV’s contract with its hosting provider ensures that all hosting is performed in accordance with the highest security regulations. Revynu BV’s policy is to protect and safeguard any personal information obtained by Revynu BV in accordance with United States state or federal laws governing the protection of personal information and data. Accordingly, Revynu BV adheres to practices and policies that aim to safeguard the data. Processing in Canada
For Users with accounts in the Revynu BV Canada Data Region, Revynu BV processes data solely in data centers located in Canada. Revynu BV has adopted reasonable physical, technical and organizational safeguards which substantially mirror the EU safeguards against accidental, unauthorized or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, access, use or processing of the Users data in Revynu BV’s possession. Revynu BV will promptly notify the User in the event of any known unauthorized access to, or use of, the User’s data.

All data collected by Revynu BV Users through surveys will be stored exclusively in secure hosting facilities provided by Amazon Web Services. Revynu BV’s contract with its hosting provider ensures that all hosting is performed in accordance with the highest security regulations. Revynu BV’s policy is to protect and safeguard any personal information obtained by Revynu BV in accordance with Canadian laws governing the protection of personal information and data. Accordingly, Revynu BV adheres to practices and policies that aim to safeguard the data. Processing in other regions
For Users with accounts in our Asian Pacific Data Region, Revynu BV processes data solely in data centers located in Singapore. Revynu BV has adopted reasonable physical, technical and organizational safeguards which substantially mirror the EU safeguards against accidental, unauthorized or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, access, use or processing of the Users data in Revynu BV’s possession. Revynu BV will promptly notify the User in the event of any known unauthorized access to, or use of, the User’s data.

All data collected by Revynu BV Users through surveys will be stored exclusively in secure hosting facilities provided by Amazon Web Services. Revynu BV’s contract with its hosting provider ensures that all hosting is performed in accordance with the highest security regulations. Accordingly, Revynu BV adheres to practices and policies that aim to safeguard the data.

3. Retention and deletion

Revynu BV will not retain data longer than is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required by applicable laws or regulations. For Respondent data, Revynu BV’s Users have control of the purpose for collecting data, and the duration for which the Personal Data may be kept. For Respondent data, Users with an active account will therefore have the responsibility to delete data when required. When a users’s account is terminated or expired, all Personal Data collected through the platform will be deleted, as required by applicable law.

4. Acceptance of these Conditions

We assume that all Visitors of our website, Respondents to surveys powered by Revynu BV and users Revynu BV’s platform have carefully read this document and agree to its contents. If someone does not agree with this privacy policy, they should refrain from using our website and platform. We reserve the right to change our privacy policy as necessity dictates. Continued use of Revynu BV website and platform after having been informed of any such changes to these conditions implies acceptance of the revised privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of Revynu BV’s terms of use.

5. Our Legal Obligation to Disclose Personal Information

We will reveal a user’s personal information without his/her prior permission only when we have reason to believe that the disclosure of this information is required to establish the identity of, to contact or to initiate legal proceedings against a person or persons who are suspected of infringing rights or property belonging to Revynu BV or to others who could be harmed by the user’s activities or of persons who could (deliberately or otherwise) transgress upon these rights and property. We are permitted to disclose personal information when we have good reason to believe that this is legally required.