The best way to spark meaningful dialogues with your target audience

World's n1 full-service benchmark research engagement platform

Revynu provides everything you need to successfully launch your benchmark research engagement campaigns. Explore our AI-powered research engagement platform and expert services to get started today.


Boost your Marketing ROI with benchmarketing and leverage the collected data to establish your thought leadership position.



Optimize sales performance by leveraging benchmarketing to gain insights into prospect challenges, enabling informed conversation and shorter sales cycles.


Customer Experience

Unlock your business’s potential with customer experience benchmarking, empowering you to measure, improve, and excel in delivering exceptional customer satisfaction.



Cultivate a winning workforce through strategic recruitment, helping your company find and engage top talent to drive success.

Customer Experience
Benchmarketing for you

The benefits of implementing Benchmarketing as your engagement channel

Benefits Extract data icon

Extract data from your market that is otherwise very hard to get, by applying the principle of peer-to-peer research where everybody shares data to get insights back.

Benfits sales icon

Increase the success of your sales conversation beforehand, by personalizing each conversation based on the data & insights from the research.

Benefits market icon

Increase the effectiveness of your marketing & sales campaigns and events, by injecting personal and relevant data extracted from your researches.

Benefits leader icon

Position yourself as a thought leader, by injecting relevant insights from your researches into your content.

Benefits comunication icon

Create continuous and successful engagement with your target market, by executing periodic researches on relevant topics.

Benefits Insights Icon

Truly integrate your research insights into your marketing & sales planning.

Benefits optimize icon

Optimize your CRM, by processing the research data automatically in your CRM.

Benchmarketing for participants

Benefits for your target market

The reasons why your target market will participate in your researches and share their data with you. Your target market/participants:


Get unique insights by anonymously comparing themself with their peers; everybody has topics where they’d like to see how their peers are dealing with those topics.


Know that they’ll receive a tailored, personal report step-by-step comparing them with their peers; good news, our software allows you to do this fully automated


Look forward to expert-sparring (= you) based on their personal benchmark report; who wouldn’t want to discuss with you how they compare with peers, if you’re the one talking to all of those peers as well

Benefits Insights Icon

Will get actionable ‘unlock potential’ nudges; based on comparisons with their peers in combination with your knowledge and proposition.

Unique personalized reporting per participant, in your brand look&feel (powered by revysoft)

Revynu book example

Data collection

Get access to all your gathered Marketing Data using your own software and your own reporting set up.

Cost Efficiency

Gather your data, create your reports and improve your Marketing & Sales with little to no effort.

SaaS Solution

Manage your researches, access your peer-2-peer group and enjoy our easy-to-use report builder.

High Conversion

By involving your target market in your quest for data and by giving something in return, your target market is more likely to converse with you.